Capitalization worksheets for 3rd grade include rules such as capitalizing the first letter of a sentence, a person’s name, or the proper name of a place. You can use capitalization worksheets for lessons, as homework, or as quizzes at home or in your third grade classroom.

Third Grade -James -TES. Home Homework Sight Words Art Resources Reading Dip Sports Contact Grammar practice days spelling Homework Week 36 Reading Fluency - Cow moo. Vocabulary is usually seen as the number of words a person knows. Unit 3 covers what we name objects. We have named a few items we see on a regular basis and their uses. How much do you remember from our previous class today? Take the simple quiz below and find out.
3rd Grade Capitalization Review Worksheet
This simple capitalization worksheet asks students to recognize which words in a sentence or paragraph need a capital letter and to rewrite sentences with proper capitalization. Click on the image of the PDF worksheet and use the Adobe guide to download and print the capitalization review worksheet with answer key.
Capitalization rules included on this worksheet are:
- names of people
- titles
- places
- 'I'
- days
- weeks
- first word of a sentence
- directions
- family names
- buildings
- organizations
- historical events
- official documents
3rd Grade Find the Capitalization Errors Worksheet
This capitalization worksheet asks students to find and circle the words that should be capitalized from ten sentences. In the second section, students need to rewrite five sentences with proper capitalization. The printable worksheet includes an answer key.
Capitalization rules included in this worksheet are:
- directions
- family names
- names of buildings
- organizations
- historic events
- official documents
Teaching Capitalization in Third Grade
If you’re teaching capitalization or reviewing it, your 3rd grade capitalization lesson plan should include a variety of resources and techniques. While worksheets help kids with capitalization practice, you might also want to use capitalization games and capitalization tests.

Fun Ways to Use Capitalization Worksheets
Students are usually asked to complete a worksheet on their own. However, there are other creative ways you can use capitalization worksheets with this age group.
- Have a relay race where students have to work as a team to complete the worksheet.
- Pass one worksheet around the classroom and give each student ten seconds to find a capitalization error.
- Cut a few copies of the same worksheet into three or four pieces. Give out worksheet pieces at random, and ask kids to find the pieces that fit with theirs then complete the worksheet as a group.
Practice Capitalization
Worksheets provide easy capitalization practice for third graders. Capitalization seems like it should be easy at this age, but special capitalization rules can make it a challenge. If you’ve got advanced students, let them try 4th grade capitalization worksheets.
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Learn about your child’s test score in the STAAR Report Card
Every student who takes the STAAR test receives a STAAR Report Card that helps parents see where their child is doing well and where he or she may need extra help.
No matter what grade your child is in, this grade 8 sample report will help you read the report, understand your child's STAAR results and see his or her progress from the previous year.
Explore the areas on this sample STAAR report card to learn what they mean.
The sample STAAR report card is available in multiple languages
How to Understand Performance
Your child’s scores include performance scores for each subject area. Here are the performance levels and what they mean:
Masters Grade Level
Shows mastery of the course content — student is on track for college and career readiness.
Meets Grade Level
Shows strong knowledge of course content — student is prepared to progress to the next grade.
Approaches Grade Level
Shows some knowledge of course content but may be missing critical elements — student may need additional support in the coming year.
Did Not Meet Grade Level
Shows a lack of basic understanding of course content — student needs significant support in the coming year.
Check out the links below to quickly get where you need to go:
STAAR Alternate 2, TELPAS, and TELPAS Alternate Resources

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