Imperialismmr Volkmar's Course Pages

  • Dec 13, 2018 Accordingly, people from the colonizing country began moving to the colonized nation as permanent settlers. Eventually, the conquered country becomes assimilated and adopts the ideas and cultures of the colonizer.
  • “We Must Destroy the Capitalistic System Which Enslaves Us”: Stokely Carmichael Advocates Black Revolution. In June 1966, the national chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Stokely Carmichael, first voiced the slogan “Black Power” during a march in Mississippi.
  • Imperialism Mr Pratt said the only honour that could be bestowed on Dr Nkrumah was to continue with the struggle to liberate the world from the claws of colonialism and imperialism. 'We have gathered here not only to celebrate Dr Nkrumah, but to avail ourselves of his life experiences and work to change the world and to agree on how that change.

By definition, imperialism refers to a form of governance that involves the extension of power or dominion of a powerful country by gaining control of areas beyond its borders. The extension of power usually involves the exertion of power in many forms such as military ones. For this reason, imperialism is not something that is morally accepted or encouraged. There are two types of imperialism namely modern or new imperialism and the older form. The older form of imperialism mostly refers to direct colonization of other countries by European powers between the 15th and 19th century. The modern form involves control of other nations through the control of resources and markets, that is, a more subtle form of imperialism.

A war in the country of Vietnam, first between the French and Vietnamese, as France was attempting to hold onto its colony. The second war was between the United States and the communist forces of North Vietnam, as the U.S. Was attempting to keep South Vietnam free from communism. Of course, maps have been greatly improved over the years since the days of imperialism, but proof still exists that the cartography process is particularly biased in favor of European experiences and points of view.

Imperialism vs. Colonialism

In some cases, the two words are used interchangeably even though they do not refer to the same thing. The reason for this confusion stems from the fact that both of them allude to the political and economic control of one country by another. However, a more subtle distinction exists in the sense that one is an idea while the other is a practice. Colonialism is the practice while the idea behind colonialism is imperialism.

Therefore, colonialism refers to a nation conquering and extending total dominion over another country. The resources of the country are then under the total control of the conquering nation. On the other hand, imperialism can be compared to extending an empire into other regions thus extending a dominance. As such, colonialism can be considered to be the more direct of the two.

Accordingly, people from the colonizing country began moving to the colonized nation as permanent settlers. Eventually, the conquered country becomes assimilated and adopts the ideas and cultures of the colonizer. Imperialism, on the other hand, involves the exercise of power through indirect and subtle mechanisms. Largely, the culture of the country being controlled remains unchanged.

Countries Who Have Imposed Imperialism


Britain’s history of imperialism goes all the way back to the 16th century when the country extended its authority through the East India Company. By 1670, Britain had a number of areas under its control such as Nova Scotia, Jamaica, and others. Similar ambitions were seen during the Scramble for Africa in the 19th century.


Ancient China remains the planet’s oldest empire today mainly because of its imperialistic ambitions and conquests. The conquests began during the amalgamation of China under the Qin Dynasty, which was a trend followed by later dynasties. Today, China still expands its influence because of its massive economy and powerful military.


Similar to Britain, France’s conquest dates back to the 16th century during the establishment of New France under the French colonization of the Americas. In addition, France established the French East India Company that helped to gain territories in Asia and Africa in the 17th century.


Germany’s ambitions were not that significant until the later stages of the 19th century after the emergence of leaders like Otto von Bismarck. Germany’s colonial empire started in 1884 with the establishment of German New Guinea. Other regions that were under German control included Ghana, Jiaozhou Bay, and the Solomon Islands. - Imperialism Map Activity, Simulation

Learning Objectives:

Imperialismmr Volkmar's Course Pages

SWBAT: Analyze the Presidency of Teddy Roosevelt as a Progressive and Imperialist.


SWBAT: Debate Imperialism and provide the arguments for and against imperialism.

In Class Activities:


  • America as a Imperial Nation: Hawaii
  • Crucible of an Empire video- Causes of the Spanish American-War
    Watch the first 40 minutes and write down the Causes of the War. (6 items)
  • Arguments: Pro imperialism arguments vs. Anti Imperialism arguments. Documents on Google Classroom.
  • Examples of American Imperialism- Topic 4.7
    • Sphere of Influence, (Asia and Latin America)
    • Roosevelt Corollary-Dollar Diplomacy-Moral Diplomacy
    • The Panama Canal- Modern Marvels

Kahoot- Immigration-Imperialism