All About Mythshome

There are a few things wrong with this photo. Want to guess which one we’re about to seize upon? Image Source:

Hollywood is, of course, a source of entertainment, not facts. More often than not, movies and TV shows tamper with the truth in order to create a more exciting product. And while that’s all well and good–reality can be pretty dull–it has created numerous myths about the way the world works that are now believed across the globe. Be it the way laser guns would actually look, how phone calls are really traced, or what it would truly take to bring back the dinosaurs, here are ten movie myths you probably believe.

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  • That could cost youPhoto by Tierra Mallorca on UnsplashHome ownership is great, and if you can afford it, it’s a good lifestyle choice. However, it’s also one of the biggest purchasing decisions y.
  • Amit has been iconoclastic about stories a civilisation tells itself (myths) in the language of the young generation.Mutants & Clones. Saying that Ramayan is a patriarchal response to going to create a lot of interesting debate.

First up: The thing every action hero survives in the movies, but never would in real life…

Movie Myths: Laser Guns Are Visible

Visually impressive, scientifically unlikely. Image Source: Wikia

Whether we are talking about handheld laser blasters or giant laser guns mounted to spaceships, it’s accepted in science fiction that, eventually, we’ll all give up on bullets and kill each other using lasers. And while this might be possible some day, there is a problem with every single Hollywood laser gun ever: you can see the lasers.

In real life, those lasers would be invisible. That’s not to say that visible lasers aren’t possible, it’s just that invisible ones would be far more powerful. A visible light beam will scatter some of its photons into your eyes so you can see it. This makes it less energetic and therefore less potent. Even basic lasers today—like a laser pointer—uses non-visible light wavelengths.

Explosions Are No Big Deal

Should be Die Impossible, not Die Hard. Image Source: DVD Talk

Any good action hero worth his salt knows how to deal with an explosion: never look at it, jump in the air exactly when it happens and then get up and keep running. It doesn’t matter that the shockwave was strong enough to shatter buildings, cars, and other heavy stuff. When it comes to the human body, all an explosion does is propel the hero forward in slow motion.

As you might expect, in real life, that same shockwave would tear our hero to pieces. Even if his body remains intact, the shockwave doesn’t push him forward, it goes through him. This alone is usually enough to stop his heart.

Next up: You think police have to do it. They don’t…

By Peter Mangiola Rn Msn

The following is an excerpt of a great article by Peter Mangiola.

4 Common Myths about In Home Care

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In today’s society, there are more options than ever before for all types of products and services. Elder care is no different. A growing number of New Jersey families are considering in home care to help provide for the needs of their aging loved ones.

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Related Post: Common Myths About Hospice Care

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What is In Home Care?

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In home care is a viable option for those who are disabled or aging and can no longer be safely left alone in their homes. Some of our patients just need a companion for an hour or two a week, while others require round the clock care for conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. Because each individual circumstance is unique, we are able to create a customized plan to fit the specific needs of each client we serve. Whatever level of care is necessary, an in home care agency can deliver.

Contact Phoenix Home Care for more information on our services.