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- About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research.
- Research Maniacs is a group of curious researchers that accumulates facts and information for easy look-up. We travel, try new gadgets, solve math problems, and explore many interesting topics in a wide range of subjects. Thank you for using Research Maniacs. We hope you find our research useful, helpful, interesting, and informative.

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Inquiry Magazine
The boundless innovations and unprecedented growth of impactful research at UTA are on full display in the latest edition of our annual research publication, Inquiry.
UTA's impressive research centers are developing eco-friendly alternative energy processes, addressing major health threats, and exploring the mysteries of the universe, among other things.
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UTA boasts a diverse collection of faculty working to solve some of our greatest global challenges. Explore them and their work that enriches UTA’s educational environment.
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Our efforts have earned us the classification of R1: Doctoral University- Highest Research Activity from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions for Higher Education. Funding for our burgeoning research enterprise continues to grow year after year.
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