Ikariam Scripts

Ikariam Scripts Contents Introduction Scripting is the ability to enhance the user experience, and Gameforge have a section in their Terms and Conditions relating to it. This article describes some of the scripts and extension that allows you to customize the way web-pages look and functions:., which is a extension, found at userscripts. Ikariam Imperator aims to be the premiere script to make playing Ikariam a breeze. Currently it includes only resource/building/military overview tables but I have more planned for the future.

Feb 22nd, 2020
Ikariam scripts firefox

Ikariam Scripts Tampermonkey

Ikariam scripts 2019Ikariam ScriptsIkariam Scripts

Ikariam Scripts Chrome

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  1. 2. Paste this code to the console and press ENTER.
  2. 3. Type CPRun(mode) to the console and press ENTER to start the script with the mode you want (0: 2m30s, 1: 7m30s, 2: 15m, 3: 30m, and so on).
  3. 4. F5 will stop the script. If you want to rerun it, start again from step 1.
  4. Enjoy!
  5. */
  6. var captureBtnList = document.querySelectorAll('a.button.capture'),
  7. pirateFortress = document.querySelector('#js_CityPosition17Link'),
  8. progressTime = document.querySelector('#missionProgressTime'),
  9. captcha = document.querySelector('img.captchaImage');
  10. var captchaInput = document.querySelector('input#captcha'),
  11. captchaSubmitBtn = document.querySelector('input.button[value='Capture']');
  12. var noti =new Audio('https://notificationsounds.com/soundfiles/c6e19e830859f2cb9f7c8f8cacb8d2a6/file-sounds-1128-beyond-doubt-2.mp3');
  13. setTimeout(CPRun,5*1000, mode);
  14. elseif(progressTime !=null){
  15. var ptime = progressTime.innerText.replace(' ',').replace(/D/g,' ').trim().split(' ').map(Number);
  16. ptime = ptime[0]*3600+ ptime[1]*60+ ptime[2];
  17. elseif(ptime.length2){
  18. }
  19. ptime = ptime[0];
  20. // alert(ptime);
  21. setTimeout(CPRun,Math.floor(ptime+Math.random()*5)*1000, mode);
  22. elseif(pirateFortress.title'Free Building Ground'){
  23. alert('Pirate fortress hasn't been built in this town!')
  24. }
  25. if(captureBtnList.length0){
  26. setTimeout(CPRun,4*1000, mode);
  27. elseif(mode >= captureBtnList.length){
  28. alert('Your pirate fortress hasn't reached the required level to access to this run (mode='+mode+')');
  29. }
  30. var captureBtn = captureBtnList[mode]
  31. click(captureBtn);
  32. setTimeout(CPRun,Math.floor(Math.random()*5)*1000, mode);
  33. elseif(pirateFortress !=null){
  34. setTimeout(CPRun,Math.floor(Math.random()*5)*1000, mode);
  35. else{
  36. setTimeout(CPRun,Math.floor(Math.random()*5)*1000, mode);
  37. }
  38. return0;
  39. function click(node){
  40. var x = rect.x+Math.floor(Math.random()*rect.width), y = rect.y+Math.floor(Math.random()*rect.height);
  41. 'view': window,
  42. 'cancelable':true,
  43. 'screenY': y +Math.floor(Math.random()*50),
  44. 'clientY': y,
  45. 'pageY': y,
  46. node.dispatchEvent(ev);
  47. }
Ikariam Scripts